ALERT Geomaterials (The Alliance of Laboratories in Europe for Education, Research and Technology) is a European organisation including 33 Universities or Organisations, which are most active in the field of numerical and experimental modelling of geomaterials and geostructures. The core activity represents the annual meeting with ALERT Workshop and ALERT Doctoral school, held annually in Aussois, France, at the beginning of October and Olek Zienkiewicz summerschool organised by ALERT members annually at various locations. These events are open to external participants and you are most welcome to attend them.
ALERT has since beginning been linked to SoilModels: the first idea to establish soil model sharing platform has been set at ALERT meeting in Aussois in October 2007. Eleven years later, I am happy to inform that ALERT board of directors approved “Support Declaration” between ALERT and SoilModels, indicating that SoilModels activities, including open dissemination of computer codes and publications, are within the mission of ALERT association.