ALERT doctoral school on constitutive modelling is happening right now. The school lecture notes are available at the website of ALERT geomaterials ( Below you find triax input files for […]
Archive for category: Constitutive Modelling
Initial Stiffness of CU test in Masin’s 2014 Model

Views 4,427
Hi, I am using Hypoplasticity model with explicit asymptotic boundary surface proposed by Prof. Masin in 2014. In this model, parameter ‘nu’ controls initial stiffness in CU test. But when […]

Views 4,815
Can SANISAND version given in soil model work well for cyclic simple shear test ?
Hi Admin, I have been using hypoplastic subroutine supplied by this website. It works well in ABQ6.14 and ABQ2017. However, recently I have to upgrade to ABQ2021 due to an […]
MATLAB Code for Bounding Surface Plasticity Model

Views 5,300
Dear Altruists, I just wanted to learn the bounding surface plasticity theory with coding. Does anyone have any code (written in MATLAB) for the Bounding Surface Plasticity model? Could you […]
Non convergence problem in abaqus using hpoeca Clay Hypoplasticity in slope model

Views 4,347
hello everyone! based on the strength reduction method in clay hypoplasticity, firstly, I used two steps belong to the static_general, the first step is impose a gravity load, and not […]
Anyone has any reference to writing UMAT file for Poro linear elastic properties or what constitutive equations have to be solved to do the same. Any help would be appreciated […]
Cyclic/monotonic direct shear test (matlab driver)

Views 5,798
Hi everyone, i am trying to simulate DSS/cDSS test in drained/undrained conditions and I was wondering how the constraints matrices should be ? while it is easy to understand how […]
Convergence issue of unload of clay consolidation in Abaqus

Views 5,527
Hello, I was trying to simulate the unloading process of clay consolidation in Abaqus using clay hypoplasticity umat ( But I had a convergence issue showing in Fig.1. The model […]
Convergence issue of unload of clay consolidation in Abaqus

Views 4,300
Hello, I was trying to simulate the unloading process of clay consolidation in Abaqus using clay hypoplasticity umat ( But I had a convergence issue showing in Fig.1. The model […]
PLAXIS 2D Embedded Pile Row

Views 5,169
PLAXIS 2D require a “Lateral Resistance ” for the embedded pile row. The manuals are not very clear as to what the resistance represents? Is it on friction ( similar […]
Cyclic Triaxial Test

Views 4,904
Dear All, I am using ISA+HP model in my research and I have encountered some problem when looking into cyclic triaxial test for single element. The target model was selected […]
matlab driver

Views 4,359
Hi everyone. When i try to run the matlab driver I get the following error, how can i sove it ? (The constructor for class ‘update’ must return only one […]
Dear all, I have a question about Hypoplasticity for sand model, i am having trouble to understand about how to calibrate the mr parameter ? Since no formula is provided […]
UMAT Code for Clay Hypoplasticity

Views 4,915
Hello Everyone, I am using the UMAT code for clay hypoplasticity provided by Prof. Masin — I made a oedometeric test model in Abaqus2018 and applied the umat code […]

Views 5,179
I implemented a unified dynamic soil model, but PLAXIS doesn’t calculate any strains, and it prints zero (or some times NaN amounts) into a text file. I’d like to know […]
How can I solve the error in Abaqus mentioned below?

Views 6,860
I am using SANISAND to simulate a triaxial compression test under monotonic loading. But every time my simulations break and give the same message “Abaqus/Implicit Packager exited with an error […]
Guidance to newbie on how to calibrate a constitutive model

Views 4,493
Hi! I am studying the behavior of kaolin clay under cyclic loading. The strain rate is kept at such that undrained behavior is maintained. I want to use an advanced […]
K0 determination Reloading using HP clay model

Views 4,232
Hi Prof. Masin , It is related to my previous post. Sorry to bother you again. I simulated Oedometer test in Plaxis as well as centrifuge reloading (using HP clay […]
Soft soil and soft soil creep model both include time while performing the analysis. What is the difference between both of them.
Modelling Rate-dependent behaviour of clay [Urgent]

Views 4,192
Using PLAXIS, how to model rate dependent behavior of clay. This is to show the viscous behavior of the soil. Thank you in advance

Views 4,446
I have the license, but can’t login as it is a server license. In order to access this model, i need the .dll file. Can anyone help me with this. […]
Hardening Soil Model in Abaqus

Views 5,935
Is there Hardening Soil Model in Abaqus?
Effects of water content in sand in hypoplastic strength parameters

Views 4,169
Dear All, I am currently using the hypoplastic model for gran materials from Prof. von Wolffersdorff to simulate soil excavations in a context of large deformations. I have been searching […]
boundary surface plasticity

Views 4,210
Hello all, I am trying to implement boundary surface plasticity using Bardets model in MATLAB. But i am obtaining negative values for q and Dep. Any help in this regard […]
SANISAND 2008 Model

Views 4,209
Hello Everyone, Can anyone have umat available for SANISAND 08 (Simple anisotropic sand plasticity model)?. Paper authored by Taiebat and Dafalias. They have used a closed type yield surface. Regards […]
Issues in getting the negative values of q (mean deviatoric stress) while simulating cyclic triaxial test in ABAQUS using SANISAND subroutine.

Views 4,719
Hello Everyone, I have been trying to simulate the cyclic triaxial test using the SANISAND04 subroutine. When I plotting the stress path (p-q plot), I am getting only the positive […]
UMAT for NorSand

Views 4,867
Dear all, I am pretty new in coding and using Abaqus. I have trouble with coding the UMAT for NorSand. If any of you have any good references, please share […]
Interpreting results of sand hypoplastic model with Abaqus VUMAT

Views 4,986
Dear concern, Recently i have modelled the soil pile interaction using Abaqus CEL method. The hypoplastic behavior of the soil is model using user subroutine VUMAT. The properties of the […]
SANISAND pile-soil-interaction ABAQUS

Views 5,019
Hi everyone: I am trying to use SANISAND as the constitutive model of soil, and use ABAQUS software to simulate pile-soil interaction. First step is “Geostatic”, the second step is […]
Dear all, After carefully reading the matlab drivers of hypoplastic models, I was wondering whether the driver can simulate triaxial extension tests. As I change the constraints to reflect triaxial […]
UMAT Code for Modified Cam Clay model

Views 5,524
I am trying to develop UMAT code for MCC, but facing difficulty. Is there any such files available which can help me to speed up. please refer. Thank you.
Mohr Coulomb umat in Abaqus

Views 6,967
Dear all, does anyone have the umat code for Mohr Coulomb in Abaqus? For my current work I need a umat for Mohr Coulomb in Abaqus. It would be highly […]
SANISAND pile-soil-interaction ABAQUS

Views 4,555
Hi everyone: I am trying to use SANISAND as the constitutive model of soil, and use ABAQUS software to simulate pile-soil interaction. Is it better to choose “Static, Genaral” analysis […]
Abaqus user defined field

Views 4,720
Hi, I am going to use the usdfld to function the density of sand changing due to confining pressure. I am not sure Abaqus will call the usdfld for every […]
Hardening parameters (yield stress & absolute plastic strain)

Views 6,383
Hi to everyone I want to model a Sand with Cap plasticity or Drucker Prager failure criterion in ABAQUS, and I have the result of Triaxial test (I’ve attached the […]
Errors of sand hypoplastic model with Abaqus Vumat

Views 5,923
Dear all, Recently, I have been working on the simulation of a pile-soil interaction with CEL method in Abaqus/Explicit. I simulate the sand with the Sand Hypoplasticity Model provided by […]
Dear all, After carefully reading the matlab drivers of hypoplastic models, I was wondering why there is not mix control undrained TX compression. I want to achieve the same result […]
Hypoplastic Interface Model: Does anybody implemented this model in FLAC3D

Views 4,553
I want to use this model to simulate soil-structure interaction in FLAC3D software, so I was wondering does anybody implemented this model in FLAC3D, and could you please share your […]
Question on implementation of sand hypoplastic model with Abaqus umat

Views 4,740
Dear all, I am a PhD student in China University of geosciences. Recently, I have been working on the simulation of a pile-soil interaction with Abaqus. I simulate the sand […]
General questions on implementation of sand hypoplasticity model with Abaqus umat

Views 4,968
Dear all, I am a PhD student in Zhejiang University. Recently, I have been working on the simulation of a braced excavation with Abaqus. I want to simulate the soil […]
As a beginner to soil constitutive modelling, I am learning the hypoplastic models by reading the matlab drivers. I am confused with the matlab file f_hyp.m in the model hypo_sand. […]
Dear all, I am currently writing a proposal for a (small & hopefully nice) eLearning project: Within the project, I would like to create animations related to constitutive modelling. I […]
Hi all! I am modelling some triaxial compressions in ABAQUS with Weald Clay. The constitutive law i am using is the clay hypoplasticity by Mašín. When running the program using […]
SANICLAY-B (2018) how to calculate Dep
Views 4,565
Dear fellows, I have been working on coding SANICLAY-B model (2018) . Now I have one question in terms of this model. But I am stuck now. I have two […]
Calibration of the von Wolffersdorff model using Genetic Algorithms

Views 4,443
I am happy to announce that our pre-print paper, “Calibration of the von Wolffersdorff model using Genetic Algorithms”, is available on researchgate: In this article, we propose a novel […]
Rate dependent plastic yield in Tochnog Question

Views 4,325
Hi, I am new to Tochnog and really appreciate the open source modeling chain (gmsh->Tochnog->paraview). So far, I’m only familiar with commercial codes, e.g. Abaqus. I actually deal with metal […]
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Hardening Soil or Hardening Soil-Small umat in Abaqus 2.1.2025
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Triaxial Test Driver SANISAND 30.10.2024
Programme of the ALERT Olek Zienkiewicz school on Constitutive Modelling of Geomaterials, February 3 to 7, 2025, Prague, Czech Republic 11.10.2024
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Intergranular Strain Extensions 16.7.2024
Abaqus Hypoplasticity Primary Variable Is Not Available 1.7.2024
Vumat to calculate excess pore in Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian ABAQUS 1.7.2024
Drucker Prager Cap Hardening Model 20.6.2024
Soil model for sand under drained cyclic loading 15.6.2024
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