[Official Distributor Text]
DIANA (DIsplacement ANAlyzer) is an extensive multi-purpose finite element software package that is dedicated, but not exclusive, to a wide range of problems arising in Civil engineering including structural, geotechnical, tunnelling, earthquake disciplines and oil & gas engineering.
It includes a wide range of soil models, including MMC, CC models, dynamic SSI etc. and can combine fully soil behaviour with all nonlinear structural behaviour.
The current version is completely refurbished for geotechnical engineering solutions. It advanced functionality can now be exploited via the new Graphical User Interface (GUI).
Its unique analysis capabilities are empowered by full modelling capabilities in 2D and 3D environments and tools for CAD interoperability, open API interface and automatic python scripting. This enables you to combine software programs or automate your model workflow.
DIANA is a well proven and tested software package that has been used on various landmark projects all over the world. The program’s robust functionality includes extensive material models, element libraries and analysis procedures, which are based on the latest and the most advanced finite element analysis techniques. In addition, DIANA is equipped with powerful solvers in order to optimize the solution procedures for all types of linear and nonlinear complex models with accurate results and fast computations.
The UMAT models on this website can be read in DIANA Software via our converter
License & Website
Commercial, free trial available.
Available Constitutive Models
[Other constitutive models, not present in SoilModels database]
Linear Elastic Isotropic, Orthotropic Elasticity, Von Mises and Tresca Plasticity, Mohr-Coulomb and Drucker-Prager Plasticity, Hardening Soil Model / Modified Mohr-Coulomb Engineering Input, Hardening Soil Model / Modified Mohr-Coulomb Plasticity, Modified Cam-Clay Plasticity, Modified UBC Sand Model, Jardine Small Strain, Hoek-Brown Plasticity, Jointed Rock Mass, Hardin-Drnevich Model, Ramberg-Osgood Model, Duncan-Chang Hyperbolic Model, Diagram Shear Stress/Shear Strain, Diagram Shear Stiffness Reduction/Shear Strain, Towhata-Iai Liquefaction, Nishi Liquefaction, Bowl Liquefaction, Geotextile – Simple Stress Models, Perfectly Matched Layer, D-min Model, Classic Brick Model