I implemented a unified dynamic soil model, but PLAXIS doesn’t calculate any strains, and it prints zero (or some times NaN amounts) into a text file. I’d like to know […]
SoilModels Forum
With the growing comunity (SoilModels community now counts more than 2700 members), there was a need to include a search feature which would allow you to find colleagues within specific […]
How can I solve the error in Abaqus mentioned below?

Views 6,839
I am using SANISAND to simulate a triaxial compression test under monotonic loading. But every time my simulations break and give the same message “Abaqus/Implicit Packager exited with an error […]
PHD Position on “Triggering and propagation of liquefaction in brittle geotechnical materials” at CIMNE-UPC (Barcelona, Spain)

Views 1,126
3 year fully funded PhD. Application deadline: 31st May 2021 Liquefaction of brittle geotechnical materials (such as hydraulic fills, mine tailings, landfills and sensitive or quick clays) causes catastrophic failures […]
Guidance to newbie on how to calibrate a constitutive model

Views 4,482
Hi! I am studying the behavior of kaolin clay under cyclic loading. The strain rate is kept at such that undrained behavior is maintained. I want to use an advanced […]
Oedometer tests on Ticino sand

Views 806
Dear all, I tried to find some oedometer tests result on Ticino sand in different relative densities. However, I couldn’t find any database related to this type of experiment. I […]
Two postdoctoral positions in computational mechanics in Ben Gurion university and Ariel university, Israel, are available immediately

Views 1,303
Two postdoctoral positions are available in Israel for one year, with the possibility of renewal for up to three years. The projects will be conducted in AU and BGU, under […]
K0 determination Reloading using HP clay model

Views 4,225
Hi Prof. Masin , It is related to my previous post. Sorry to bother you again. I simulated Oedometer test in Plaxis as well as centrifuge reloading (using HP clay […]
Seismic Liquifaction

Views 3,703
Hello All, I am trying to simulate the seismic liquefaction in Abaqus. Can you please help me to model this. Best Regards’ Saqib
Modelling cyclic loads in Tochnog

Views 3,492
Dears all, I am using Tochnog professional software to model undrained cyclic triaxial test for behaviour and liquefaction studies. Is there an incremental driver model to execute for compressional cyclic […]
Soft soil and soft soil creep model both include time while performing the analysis. What is the difference between both of them.
Boundary value problems for granular materials subjected to earthquake loading

Views 3,541
Dear All, Hope you all well, I have been searching for some good publications on the Boundary value problems on Foundation system with granular materials subjected to earthquake loading or […]
Guidance for a newbie

Views 683
Greetings I am entirely new to soil modelling. I want to undertake a thesis on soil modelling. Currently I’ve basic understanding of soil mechanics which is taught at undergraduate level. […]
Modelling Rate-dependent behaviour of clay [Urgent]

Views 4,183
Using PLAXIS, how to model rate dependent behavior of clay. This is to show the viscous behavior of the soil. Thank you in advance

Views 4,428
I have the license, but can’t login as it is a server license. In order to access this model, i need the .dll file. Can anyone help me with this. […]
Hardening Soil Model in Abaqus

Views 5,916
Is there Hardening Soil Model in Abaqus?
Effects of water content in sand in hypoplastic strength parameters

Views 4,159
Dear All, I am currently using the hypoplastic model for gran materials from Prof. von Wolffersdorff to simulate soil excavations in a context of large deformations. I have been searching […]
Simulating Oedometer test in PLAXIS

Views 1,376
How do I perform oedometer test simulation in PLAXIS
boundary surface plasticity

Views 4,201
Hello all, I am trying to implement boundary surface plasticity using Bardets model in MATLAB. But i am obtaining negative values for q and Dep. Any help in this regard […]
I am looking for an example of the oedometric test similation with Abaqus, in particular : Load-Unload-Reload
SANISAND 2008 Model

Views 4,199
Hello Everyone, Can anyone have umat available for SANISAND 08 (Simple anisotropic sand plasticity model)?. Paper authored by Taiebat and Dafalias. They have used a closed type yield surface. Regards […]
UMAT Implementation in Abaqus (Hypoplastic clay Subroutines)

Views 4,263
Hi, I am working in Abaqus, aiming to model double porosity clay consolidation data by using hypoplastic clay model with meta stable structure. First, i just wanted to verify basic […]
Issues on reading xlsx extension for calibration input data

Views 532
Dear all, I am trying to calibrate the hypoplastic parameters for the hypo sand model with ExCalibre tool, using CID for a particular sand. The moment I try to load […]
Issues in getting the negative values of q (mean deviatoric stress) while simulating cyclic triaxial test in ABAQUS using SANISAND subroutine.

Views 4,712
Hello Everyone, I have been trying to simulate the cyclic triaxial test using the SANISAND04 subroutine. When I plotting the stress path (p-q plot), I am getting only the positive […]
Dear all, I am a Ph.D. student at Kharazmi University. Recently I have been trying to simulate a triaxial compression test using the hypoplasticity model for clay using ABAQUS. The […]
HP clay subroutine in Plaxis

Views 4,432
Dear Prof. Masin and Soil Model Community, I am using HP clay subroutine in Plaxis 3D to simulate soil structure interaction problem. I want void ratio and OCR variation along […]
Modeling cyclic undrained sandy soil triaxial test using ABAQUS

Views 4,217
Dear all, I am trying to use Abaqus to modeling undrained cyclic triaxial test for liquefiable soil. I am wondering how could I applied the cyclic load. I should apply […]
UMAT for NorSand

Views 4,852
Dear all, I am pretty new in coding and using Abaqus. I have trouble with coding the UMAT for NorSand. If any of you have any good references, please share […]
Problem with Hypoplastic Vumat use with CEL in Abaqus

Views 3,700
Hello all, I am currently working on the FE modeling of anchors installation into the soil using the CEL analysis in Abaqus. I tried to use the hypoplastic vumat for […]
Interpreting results of sand hypoplastic model with Abaqus VUMAT

Views 4,982
Dear concern, Recently i have modelled the soil pile interaction using Abaqus CEL method. The hypoplastic behavior of the soil is model using user subroutine VUMAT. The properties of the […]
Interpreting results of sand hypoplastic model with Abaqus VUMAT

Views 4,017
Dear concern, Recently i have modelled the soil pile interaction using Abaqus CEL method. The hypoplastic behavior of the soil is model using user subroutine VUMAT. The properties of the […]
Skin friction along depth of pile

Views 3,625
Dear all, I am simulating static pile load test in the rock by using ABAQUS. For comparison of numerical results with the experimental, I need skin friction vs depth plot. […]
SANISAND pile-soil-interaction ABAQUS

Views 5,005
Hi everyone: I am trying to use SANISAND as the constitutive model of soil, and use ABAQUS software to simulate pile-soil interaction. First step is “Geostatic”, the second step is […]
Issues with Tochnog Professional not posting groundflow velocities

Views 3,540
I have been a =n user of the open source version of Tochnog for since 2004. I have been one of the maintainers and have contributed to the capabilities of […]
Dear all, After carefully reading the matlab drivers of hypoplastic models, I was wondering whether the driver can simulate triaxial extension tests. As I change the constraints to reflect triaxial […]
a question on the clay hypoplasticity model with Abaqus umat

Views 4,010
Dear all, I am a PhD student in Hohai University. Recently I have been trying to simulate a triaxial compression test using the hypoplasticity model for clay. The UMAT subroutine […]
UMAT Code for Modified Cam Clay model

Views 5,507
I am trying to develop UMAT code for MCC, but facing difficulty. Is there any such files available which can help me to speed up. please refer. Thank you.
Mohr Coulomb umat in Abaqus

Views 6,899
Dear all, does anyone have the umat code for Mohr Coulomb in Abaqus? For my current work I need a umat for Mohr Coulomb in Abaqus. It would be highly […]

Views 848
Hi everyone, I would like to ask if anyone has an example umat file for me to study to work on my master thesis researches. I would like to create […]
SANISAND umat issue

Views 4,168
Hello everyone; I have implemented the Sanisand constitutive model (UMAT) in abaqus in the scope of performing a dynamic analysis on a 3D soil-pile interaction problem. I have succeded in […]
SANISAND pile-soil-interaction ABAQUS

Views 4,546
Hi everyone: I am trying to use SANISAND as the constitutive model of soil, and use ABAQUS software to simulate pile-soil interaction. Is it better to choose “Static, Genaral” analysis […]
Abaqus user defined field

Views 4,704
Hi, I am going to use the usdfld to function the density of sand changing due to confining pressure. I am not sure Abaqus will call the usdfld for every […]
Hardening parameters (yield stress & absolute plastic strain)

Views 6,367
Hi to everyone I want to model a Sand with Cap plasticity or Drucker Prager failure criterion in ABAQUS, and I have the result of Triaxial test (I’ve attached the […]
Errors of sand hypoplastic model with Abaqus Vumat

Views 5,901
Dear all, Recently, I have been working on the simulation of a pile-soil interaction with CEL method in Abaqus/Explicit. I simulate the sand with the Sand Hypoplasticity Model provided by […]
Barodesy download package including small strain stiffness and strength reduction (UMAT and PLAXIS dll)

Views 3,653
A new download package for Clay Barodesy is available in the download section (https://soilmodels.com/barodesy/) The model uses the basic model of barodesy for clay (Medicus G. and Fellin W. 2017) […]
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Hardening Soil or Hardening Soil-Small umat in Abaqus 2.1.2025
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Triaxial Test Driver SANISAND 30.10.2024
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Intergranular Strain Extensions 16.7.2024
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Vumat to calculate excess pore in Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian ABAQUS 1.7.2024
Drucker Prager Cap Hardening Model 20.6.2024
Soil model for sand under drained cyclic loading 15.6.2024
In Abaqus how do we use *DLOAD for defining both user-defined pressure and body force simultaneously? 15.6.2024
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