1. Johan Clausen
    Johan Clausen 4 years ago

    Dear Shuhan Cao

    I have such a UMAT available. I have planned to upload it to soilmodels.com, but have not done so yet, due to lack of time. As soon as I can find the time, I will do it. In the meantime, you can send me an email at jc@eng.au.dk, and I will provide you with the Mohr-Coulomb model as a UMAT.

    Best regards
    Johan Clausen

    • Shuhan Cao Author
      Shuhan Cao 4 years ago

      Dear Johan Clausen,

      thanks for the kind reply, I’ll then send you an email.

      Best Regards,

      Shuhan Cao

  2. Frank Richter
    Frank Richter 4 years ago


    I have a FRIC subroutine. There is no button here to upload files. Send me a private message to get the files


    • Hans Henning Stutz
      Hans Henning Stutz 4 years ago

      Dear Frank,

      Do you mean the FRIC 2D and 3D which you can find in the web with the Coulomb friction model, or something else?

      Best regards,

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