Dear all,
does anyone have the umat code for Mohr Coulomb in Abaqus? For my current work I need a umat for Mohr Coulomb in Abaqus. It would be highly appriciated if anyone can share me the code. Thanks a lot in advance!
Kind regrads,
Shuhan Cao
Tags: abaqus Mohr-Coulomb UMAT
Dear Shuhan Cao
I have such a UMAT available. I have planned to upload it to, but have not done so yet, due to lack of time. As soon as I can find the time, I will do it. In the meantime, you can send me an email at, and I will provide you with the Mohr-Coulomb model as a UMAT.
Best regards
Johan Clausen
Dear Johan Clausen,
thanks for the kind reply, I’ll then send you an email.
Best Regards,
Shuhan Cao
I have a FRIC subroutine. There is no button here to upload files. Send me a private message to get the files
Dear Frank,
Do you mean the FRIC 2D and 3D which you can find in the web with the Coulomb friction model, or something else?
Best regards,