Dear all, does anyone have the umat code for Hardening Soil or Hardening Soil-Small in Abaqus? For my current work I need a umat for Hardening Soil or Hardening Soil-Small […]
Tag Archive for: abaqus
Generalized Intergranular Strain Concept
Luis Mugele||0 |
Views 152
Implementation (umat.for) of a model published in Mugele, L., Stutz, H. H. and Mašín, D. (2024). Generalized intergranular strain concept and its application to hypoplastic models. Computers and Geotechnics 173, September 2024, 106480.
Intergranular Strain Extensions
Luis Mugele||Constitutive Models|0 |
Views 806
Various extensions of the original concept of intergranular strain (IS) according to Niemunis and Herle (1997), to account for small strain effects in constitutive models, have developed in recent years.
This page (which is currently under construction) is intended to provide an overview of existing intergranular strain extensions combined with corresponding implementations.
Abaqus Hypoplasticity Primary Variable Is Not Available
Faruk Elmas||Constitutive Modelling|0 |
Views 1,945
Hello, I am using the UMAT code hypoplasticity provided by Prof. Masin — I am simulating a very small and very basic analysis in Abaqus. I made basic cubic […]
Soil model for sand under drained cyclic loading
Safia EDAOUDI||Constitutive Modelling|0 |
Views 879
Hello all, I”m trying to simulate an axial cyclic loading in a drained soil using soil models like ISA hypoplasticity and SANISAND but for borh models the accumulated strain is […]
In Abaqus how do we use *DLOAD for defining both user-defined pressure and body force simultaneously?
Ashesh Choudhury||Finite Elements|0 |
Views 741
In Abaqus how do we use *DLOAD for defining user-defined pressure and body force simultaneously? I want to user-define both body fore and pressure.
Hi Everyone. I am new to this Platform. I want to use the hypoplastic model in my research. how I can download it UMAT file for ABAQUS software?
Challenges in simulating geomechanical models using Mohr-Coulomb with Tension Cut-Off in Abaqus
Chee Min Leong||Constitutive Modelling|1 |
Views 2,126
I am modelling an underground cavern for Compressed Air Energy Storage applications using Abaqus. To begin, I attempted to replicate the results presented in the provided paper: Damasceno, DR, Spross, […]
sigini ans sdvini subroutine example for soil model in Abaqus
Safia EDAOUDI||Finite Elements|0 |
Views 1,453
Dear all, I’m looking for a sigini and sdvini subroutine examples to calculate soil initial state with rest coeficient K0 method or ICP-05 method or any method available. thank you. […]
Abaqus vs Plaxis – Local Convergence Tolerances
Sina Azad||Finite Elements|1 |
Views 5,159
Hi, I have a question regarding local, material-level convergence tolerances in FE software, particularly Abaqus and Plaxis. I have experience using Abaqus but not much familiar with Plaxis. As shown […]
A High-Cycle Accumulation Model for Sand (Niemunis et al., 2005)
SoilModels Admin||Constitutive Models|0 |
Views 1,278
A high-cycle explicit model for the accumulation of strain in sand due to small cyclic loading. The dependence of the accumulation rate on stress, void ratio, cyclic history and the type of loading is considered. In particular, the ovality and the polarization of the strain path during a cycle are taken into account.
Download Package of Charles University Implementation of High Cycle Accumulation Model
David Mašín||3 |
Views 1,520
Download package of Clay and Sand hypoplasticity UMAT and Plaxis implementations, including pre-compiled UMAT-Plaxis interface.
Kadlíček, T., Ochmański, M., Mašín, D. and Duque, J. (2022) Report on Charles University implementation of high cycle accumulation model
David Mašín||0 |
Views 313
Kadlíček, T., Ochmański, M., Mašín, D. and Duque, J. (2022) Report on Charles University implementation of high cycle accumulation model
Input files for element tests for hypoplastic clay/sand UMAT
Juan Tello||Constitutive Modelling|0 |
Views 4,063
I’m interested in using the model for simulating excavations in clay, where the small strain modulus is important, and the analysis has to be transient consolidation. It would be helpful […]
Hardening Soil Model in Abaqus
Abulimiti Ayizula||Constitutive Modelling|5 |
Views 5,874
Is there Hardening Soil Model in Abaqus?
Interpreting results of sand hypoplastic model with Abaqus VUMAT
arsalan Ahmad||Constitutive Modelling|2 |
Views 4,944
Dear concern, Recently i have modelled the soil pile interaction using Abaqus CEL method. The hypoplastic behavior of the soil is model using user subroutine VUMAT. The properties of the […]
Interpreting results of sand hypoplastic model with Abaqus VUMAT
arsalan Ahmad||Finite Elements|0 |
Views 4,013
Dear concern, Recently i have modelled the soil pile interaction using Abaqus CEL method. The hypoplastic behavior of the soil is model using user subroutine VUMAT. The properties of the […]
Mohr Coulomb umat in Abaqus
Shuhan Cao||Constitutive Modelling|5 |
Views 6,592
Dear all, does anyone have the umat code for Mohr Coulomb in Abaqus? For my current work I need a umat for Mohr Coulomb in Abaqus. It would be highly […]
Mehmet Gocmez||Finite Elements|2 |
Views 843
Hi everyone, I would like to ask if anyone has an example umat file for me to study to work on my master thesis researches. I would like to create […]
SANISAND umat issue
Philip Alkhoury||Finite Elements|3 |
Views 4,156
Hello everyone; I have implemented the Sanisand constitutive model (UMAT) in abaqus in the scope of performing a dynamic analysis on a 3D soil-pile interaction problem. I have succeded in […]
Abaqus user defined field
Van Doan||Constitutive Modelling|2 |
Views 4,668
Hi, I am going to use the usdfld to function the density of sand changing due to confining pressure. I am not sure Abaqus will call the usdfld for every […]
Hi all! I am modelling some triaxial compressions in ABAQUS with Weald Clay. The constitutive law i am using is the clay hypoplasticity by Mašín. When running the program using […]
Simulation code related to paper "Kadlíček, T. and Mašín, D. (2020). The strength reduction method in clay hypoplasticity. Computers and Geotechnics (in print)".
Non-local regularization: Need VUMAT of Mohr-Coulomb model in abaqus
Kunal Sanjay Pardikar||Constitutive Modelling|1 |
Views 4,931
Dear Community, I want to include a non-local regularization technique in the built-in Mohr-Coulomb model of abaqus to capture the strain-localization effects. I am trying to find the original VUMAT […]
Dear all, I’m using the UMAT file in which the hypoplastic model for thermal cycles is implemented. In the Abaqus input file I have added the two lines necessary to […]
Download package of ISA cyclic hypoplasticity model. Contains umats and example Abaqus input files. Umats (ISA+sand hypoplasticity) allow to switch between ISA and classical intergranular strain concept.
Hypoplastic Model for Thermal Cycles (Ma et al., 2017)
Qijie Ma||Constitutive Models|0 |
Views 1,502
Model to simulate the cumulative feature of volumetric contraction of fine-grained soil subjected to thermal cycles. A thermal stabilization line is introduced to control the stabilized volumetric contraction under thermal cycles.
Automatic calibration software ExCalibre has been launched
David Mašín||Constitutive Modelling|0 |
Views 4,729
On behalf of the team of developers I am happy to announce that, after more than four years of development and testing, ExCalibre has just been launched. ExCalibre is a […]
A PhD-level course on hypoplastic constitutive modelling intended for both academia and practitioners.
Barodesy (Kolymbas, Medicus, Schneider-Muntau, Fellin)
Dimitrios Kolymbas||Constitutive Models|0 |
Views 2,840
Barodesy is a constitutive model for granular media and does not use standard notations of elasto-plasticity, e.g. yield function, flow rule or plastic potential.
Download package of barodesy – ABAQUS umat (source code) and Plaxis dll
Barbara Schneider-Muntau||1 |
Views 1,858
Download package of barodesy model. Contains ABAQUS umat (source code), Plaxis UDSM (dll files only, not source code), package documentation, related journal publications, Abaqus and Plaxis examples.
Hypoplastic Interface Model (Stutz et al., 2016)
Hans Henning Stutz||Constitutive Models|3 |
Views 2,461
Model to represent the behaviour of interfaces based on hypoplasticity. A general approach to model interfaces using continuum constitutive models is adopted.
SANISAND (Dafalias and Manzari, 2004)
Yannis Dafalias||Constitutive Models|2 |
Views 15,318
SANISAND is an advanced elasto-plastic model based on a concept of rotational hardening incorporating the effects of fabric-dilatancy.
Sand Hypoplasticity (von Wolffersdorff, 1996)
Peter-Andreas von Wolffersdorff||Constitutive Models|5 |
Views 9,987
Sand hypoplastic model is an advanced incrementally non-linear constitutive model for sand, an outcome of an extensive research at Karlsruhe University in 1990's.
Clay Hypoplasticity (Mašín, 2014)
David Mašín||Constitutive Models|4 |
Views 16,437
Clay hypoplasticity is an advanced incrementally non-linear constitutive model based on critical state soil mechanics developed specifically for simulation of fine-grained materials.
Presentations on hypoplasticity applications, D. Mašín, NGI 2017
David Mašín||Finite Elements|0 |
Views 5,532
Based on some requests, I share here two presentations on hypoplasticity applications. One is related to simulation of various boundary value problems, the other focuses on simulation of cyclic and […]
UMAT Implementation of Sand Hypoplasticity by UIBK
Wolfgang Fellin||18 |
Views 5,728
Download package contains two umats, one for basic hypoplasticity (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) and the other for hypoplasticity with small strain stiffness (Niemunis and Herle, 1997).
Interface between UMAT (Abaqus/Standard) and VUMAT (Abaqus/Explicit).
Britta Bienen||7 |
Views 6,913
Interface between umat (Abaqus/Standard) and vumat (Abaqus/Explicit) user defined model standards by Bienen et al. (2014).
SANISAND Abaqus UMAT and Plaxis implementations
David Mašín||33 |
Views 7,078
UMAT and Plaxis implementations of SANISAND constitutive model by Dafalias and Manzari (2004).
Download Package for Hypoplastic interface model and UMAT – FRIC interface
Hans Henning Stutz||2 |
Views 1,491
Download Package of frictional interface model by Stutz et al. (2016, 2017) for granular soils based on Hypoplasticity including interface between UMAT and FRIC ABAQUS standards.
Clay and Sand hypoplasticity UMAT and Plaxis implementations, including UMAT-Plaxis interface
David Mašín||26 |
Views 17,298
Download package of Clay and Sand hypoplasticity UMAT and Plaxis implementations, including pre-compiled UMAT-Plaxis interface.
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