Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photo Manuel Bode This user account status is Approved followers0 following0 Follow About About Posts Posts Comments Comments Hello Shen, it doesn't have a mechanical reason. It is only for the subroutine to distinguish between initial void ratio… On UMAT Code for Clay Hypoplasticity Hello Shen, the model is able to calculate the inital void ratio depending on the material parameters and a given… On UMAT Code for Clay Hypoplasticity Dear Nasim, sorry for the late reply. PLAXIS calls the subroutine in several ID Tasks (1 to 6). I dont… On Barodesy for clay including intergranular strain and strength reduction (UMAT and Plaxis DLL) Dear Ali, our newer UMAT for Barodesy (also available here) is written in Fortran 90 free form code and it… On UMAT Implementation of Sand Hypoplasticity by UIBK