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I obtained MSc. at Charles University, Prague (2001), M.Phil at City University, London (2004), Ph.D. at Charles University, Prague (2006). Since 2011, I am employed as associate professor at Charles University, teaching numerical modelling in geomechanics.
During my studies and sabbatical leaves later on, I was involved in research at major institutions in the field of geotechnical engineering, such as University of Innsbruck; Imperial College, London; City University, London; Universite Joseph Fourier, Grenoble; University of Dresden; University of Karlsruhe; University of New South
Wales, Sydney; University of Western Australia, Perth; Zhejiang University, China.
As a national representative, I have been involved in three technical committees of the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2010-2016 I was secretary of the Czech and Slovak member society of ISSMGE, 2009-2015 I was a member of the panel P105 of the Czech Science foundation, I am or was editorial board member of journals Computers and Geotechnics (2009-2015), Acta Geotechnica (since 2014) and Géotechnique (since 2016). Since its launch in 2007 I have been coordinator and administrator of the soilmodels.info website. I teach a PhD-level course on hypoplasticity modelling, see https://soilmodels.com/course-hypoplasticity-for-practical-applications/
I have authored or co-authored more than 50 papers in international journals, see https://web.natur.cuni.cz/uhigug/masin/bib/DMbib.htm.
In my research, I specialise in development of constitutive models with particular focus on models based on hypoplasticity. In 2005, I developed the basic hypoplastic model for clays, later I also introduced hypoplasticity into the field of more advanced applications such as unsaturated soils, thermal effects and modelling of expansive soils.
I also have practical experience as a Consultant of various aspects of numerical modelling in geotechnical engineering, often focusing on application of advanced material models. Major projects involve:
- Evaluation of stability of slopes in open cast coal mines, RWE, Germany (2007)
- Lining Design of NATM tunnel in stiff clays, newr Brno, Czech Republic (2009)
- Calibration of sand and clay hypoplastic models using client-provided data (many times since 2012)
- Evaluation of stability of slopes of internal landfill in glass-quartz mine ner Strelec, Czech Republic (2014)
- Evaluation of settlement of double-porosity landfill of open cast coal mine, Bilina, Czech Republic (since 2015)
- Calculation of foundation response of dynamically loaded turbine foundation on laterite in Lagos, Nigeria using hypoplastic models (Geolink, Germany, 2015, 3D finite element model, see my project featured image)
- Evaluation of filtration stability and seepage through and below earth dam Valcha, Czech Republic (2015)
- Evaluation of the triggering factors of a Dobkovicky landslide on D8 motorway between Prague and Czech Republic (2016, 3D finite element model, see my profile image)
- Expert of the Road and Motorway Directorate of the Czech Republic for stability of D8 motorway in the landslide area near Lovosice, Czech Republic (since 2016)