I have a question regarding the simulation of cone penetration tests using the SANISAND04 model. I have observed that the parameter m (yield surface size)has a significant impact on the penetration force, even m ranges from 0.01 to 0.03. The FEM simulation shows that the penetration force increases with decrease of m. What is the cause of this issue?

  1. Arie Koot
    Arie Koot 10 months ago

    is it a drained or undrained simulation?

  2. Abdiel Ramon Leon Bal
    Abdiel Ramon Leon Bal 9 months ago

    I’m not very familiar with the SANISAND model, but I would expect the forces to increase as the initial yield surfaces gets larger, since my elastic space also becomes larger. Maybe it’s somehow oversimplied my analysis. Does a decreasing m parameter lead to a smaller yield surface?

    • An Zhanng Author
      An Zhanng 9 months ago

      Thank you. The yield surface becomes smaller with decreasing m. The simulation result is very strange.

      • Abdiel Ramon Leon Bal
        Abdiel Ramon Leon Bal 9 months ago

        Hello. Any update on the results or potential cause for this behavior?

  3. Zhentao Liu
    Zhentao Liu 4 days ago

    Hi, dear zhanng
    did you complete the simulation in ABAQUS or in PLAXIS?

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