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Institute of Soil Mechanics and Rock Mechanics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany

I obtained myCivil Engineering bachelor degree from the University of Applied Science in Darmstadt (Germany) and continued with my master degree at the Ruhr University in Bochum (Germany). Beside completing my degree, I was working in different engineering consulting offices.
I joined the Research Training Group for “Quantification of experimental and numerical partial models in structural engineering” at Bauhaus University Weimar. In 2013, I joined the working group of Geomechanics and Geotechnics at Kiel University and completed my Ph.d. Thesis in 2016.
After working as a Postdoctoral researcher at Kiel University. I joined Aarhus University as assistant professor in 2018. Furthermore I participate in the technical committee for “Numerics in Geotechnics” of the German Geotechnical Society.
Since September 2021 I am the institute director of the Institute of Soil Mechanics and Rock Mechanics (IBF) at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

My research focus on the soil-structure interface behavior considering numerical modeling and their implementation into Finite-Element techniques. I have developed together with some collegues a general procedure to use any constitutive model as an interface model to consider the soil-structure interface behaviour more realisitic and holisitic than by using a simple Mohr-Coulomb friction law. Beside this I worked on a zero-thickness interface implementation (UEL) considering the gap opening around piles in stiff clays.
Additional interests are marine and costal geotechnical engineering applications considering the use of advanced constitutive models for the soil and the interface.

Joined 11.9.2017

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