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Barodesy with intergranular strain and strength reduction (umat and Plaxis DLL)
Description: Download package of barodesy for clay model according to Medicus and Fellin (2017) including small strain stiffness using the intergranular strain concept according to Bode et al. (2020) and an improved strength reduction algorithm according to Bode et al. (2020b).
The package contains the ABAQUS umat (source code), the Plaxis UDSM (dll files and source code), package documentation in pdf, related journal publication pdf files and examples of ABAQUS input files. Released under GNU general public licence.
Authors: Authors are researchers from the University of Innsbruck Manuel Bode, Barbara Schneider-Muntau, Gertraud Medicus, Dimitrios Kolymbas, Wolfgang Fellin.
Dear Manuel,
I tried to implement a unified dynamic soil model into PLAXIS, but it doesn’t calculate any strains, and it prints zero (or some times NaN amounts) into a text file. it causes PLAXIS doesn’t draw any plot in soil test part. I’d like to know the way of PLAXIS calculates the strains at the first step (initialing phase not finite element process).
I would be grateful if you give your opinion related to this problem.
Best Regards,
Nasim Aftahi
Dear Aftahi,
It is a usual problem in umat codes. For instance in abaqus you should check the geostatic stress and adaptation of the number of increments and the time history for output.
Dear Nasim,
sorry for the late reply. PLAXIS calls the subroutine in several ID Tasks (1 to 6). I dont remember exactly the order in the soil test tool, but I think you mean ID Task 3. Here you need to supply only the material stiffness matrix “D” depending on the current state.
PLAXIS uses this stiffness matrix to make a first guess of the strains, that are then used within the “finite element” step, which is here ID Task 2.
The formulation of your stiffness matrix depends on your model.
Best regards