Simulation code related to paper "Kadlíček, T. and Mašín, D. (2020). The strength reduction method in clay hypoplasticity. Computers and Geotechnics (in print)".

For parameters of the base model, see

Additionally, the following parameters need to be set for strength reduction method. Please also refer to the paper "Kadlíček, T. and Mašín, D. (2020). The strength reduction method in clay hypoplasticity. Computers and Geotechnics (in print)", which is for download in Publication Database.

t_0 - total time at the beginning of the strength reduction
t_max - total time at the end to the  strength reduction
epsilon_phi - a magnitude of the strength reduction step to consider a structure as failing
n_r - a number of succeeding steps that have to satisfy the condition defined by epsilon_phi to consider a structure as failed and terminated the analysis.

Finally factor of safety FS can be calculated as FS=(t_max-t_0)/(t_max-t_failure), where t_failure is time at failure.

  1. Daniel Valencia
    Daniel Valencia 4 years ago

    Greetings professor,

    Does this DLL file have some new features or works for basic hypoplasticity with intergranular strain concept?

    • David Mašín Author
      David Mašín 4 years ago

      Hi, this is DLL with clay model as in the original implementation, with additional part for strength reduction. Otherwise, the model itself is unchanged. Regards David

  2. Juan Tello
    Juan Tello 3 years ago

    Dear Professor Masin, thank you for sharing. Are there any input files related to this UMAT you may be able to share? Thank you in advance,

  3. 略轩 黄
    略轩 黄 3 years ago

    Greetings professor,

    How to activate the strength reduction procedure? Is it “safety calculation”?

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