Hello all,

i hava a problem with the Oedometer curves after the automatic calibration with ExCalibre. I took the Dobrany sand dataset for an automatic calibration and then i copied the results of the Oedometer test into an Excel sheet. In the same Excel sheet i saved the measurement data of the dataset and plotted the Oedometer curve with Excel. The graph created with Excel is different to the graph of ExCalibre. What i also observed was, that for example the maximum strain for the Oedometer test of the measurement data is different to the maximum of the ExCalibre graph.
Both figures – oedometer curve Excel and oedometer curve ExCalibre- are attached.

Maybe anyone can tell me the reason for that?
Thanks in advance and best regards

oedometer_curve_excel-1.png oedometer_curve_excalibre-0.png

  1. David Mašín
    David Mašín 6 years ago

    Dear Marco,
    I think this is because transforms laboratory data from engineering strain (Delta h/h0) to natural strain (dh/h). Please try to transform them in your spreadsheet to see whether you get the same results and let us know.
    Regards David

    • Marco Hofer Author
      Marco Hofer 6 years ago

      Dear David,
      maybe you can have a look on my new post which is about my last post some weeks ago. Thanks in advance.
      Regards Marco

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