Dear all, does anyone have the umat code for Hardening Soil or Hardening Soil-Small in Abaqus? For my current work I need a umat for Hardening Soil or Hardening Soil-Small […]
Tag Archive for: UMAT
Hi Everyone. I am new to this Platform. I want to use the hypoplastic model in my research. how I can download it UMAT file for ABAQUS software?
Dear all, A while ago, a person asked about the hypoplasticity umats, the problem was that the umats were not working when compiled using the oneAPI fortran compiler, an error […]
Input files for element tests for hypoplastic clay/sand UMAT
Views 4,092
I’m interested in using the model for simulating excavations in clay, where the small strain modulus is important, and the analysis has to be transient consolidation. It would be helpful […]
Anyone has any reference to writing UMAT file for Poro linear elastic properties or what constitutive equations have to be solved to do the same. Any help would be appreciated […]
Seismic Liquifaction

Views 3,703
Hello All, I am trying to simulate the seismic liquefaction in Abaqus. Can you please help me to model this. Best Regards’ Saqib
Boundary value problems for granular materials subjected to earthquake loading

Views 3,541
Dear All, Hope you all well, I have been searching for some good publications on the Boundary value problems on Foundation system with granular materials subjected to earthquake loading or […]
Mohr Coulomb umat in Abaqus

Views 6,899
Dear all, does anyone have the umat code for Mohr Coulomb in Abaqus? For my current work I need a umat for Mohr Coulomb in Abaqus. It would be highly […]

Views 848
Hi everyone, I would like to ask if anyone has an example umat file for me to study to work on my master thesis researches. I would like to create […]
SANISAND umat issue

Views 4,168
Hello everyone; I have implemented the Sanisand constitutive model (UMAT) in abaqus in the scope of performing a dynamic analysis on a 3D soil-pile interaction problem. I have succeded in […]
Hi all! I am modelling some triaxial compressions in ABAQUS with Weald Clay. The constitutive law i am using is the clay hypoplasticity by Mašín. When running the program using […]
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