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UMAT Implementation of Sand Hypoplasticity by UIBK
Description: Download package contains two umats, one for basic hypoplasticity (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) and the other for hypoplasticity with small strain stiffness (Niemunis and Herle, 1997). The umats are associated with the following two publications, also included within the download package:
- Fellin and Ostermann (2002) – basic model
- Fellin, Mittendorfer and Ostermann (2009) – model with small strain stiffness
Authors: Wolfgang Fellin, Markus Mittendorfer, Alexander Ostermann
I want to use the umat-hyposand-UIBK on your web, but it can not be run on my system.
This files is suitable for Linux only?
Is it possible to guide me for running just one umat?
I think in Environmental file of Abaqus I have problem or linking…
Log file:
Analysis initiated from SIMULIA established products
Abaqus JOB Job-1
Abaqus 3DEXPERIENCE R2017x
Abaqus License Manager checked out the following licenses:
Abaqus/Standard checked out 5 tokens from Flexnet server localhost.
Begin Compiling Abaqus/Standard User Subroutines
4/13/2018 5:32:28 PM
Intel(R) Visual Fortran Intel(R) 64 Compiler XE for applications running on Intel(R) 64, Version Build 20120731
Copyright (C) 1985-2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
End Compiling Abaqus/Standard User Subroutines
Begin Linking Abaqus/Standard User Subroutines
Creating library standardU.lib and object standardU.exp
End Linking Abaqus/Standard User Subroutines
4/13/2018 5:32:29 PM
Begin Analysis Input File Processor
4/13/2018 5:32:29 PM
Run pre.exe
4/13/2018 5:32:33 PM
End Analysis Input File Processor
Begin Abaqus/Standard Analysis
4/13/2018 5:32:33 PM
Run standard.exe
*** Error: standard.exe / rank 0 / thread 0 encounted an EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in ABQSMAAncAdbModule.dll (code 3221225477)
ABQSMAAncAdbModule.dll adb_MemoryManagement::operator delete
ABQSMAStaCore.dll zeroinc
ABQSMAStaCore.dll execs
ABQSMAStaCore.dll execproc
ABQSMAStaCore.dll procdriver
ABQSMAStaCore.dll substep
ABQSMAStaCore.dll exec
ABQSMAStaCore.dll std_main
standard.exe ???
standard.exe ???
standard.exe DSYSysTSDataQueue::GetCurrentLength
KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
ntdll.dll RtlUserThreadStart
4/13/2018 5:32:36 PM
Abaqus Error: The executable standard.exe
aborted with system error code 1073741819.
Please check the .dat, .msg, and .sta files for error messages if the files
exist. If there are no error messages and you cannot resolve the problem,
please run the command “abaqus job=support information=support” to report and
save your system information. Use the same command to run Abaqus that you
used when the problem occurred. Please contact your local Abaqus support
office and send them the input file, the file support.log which you just
created, the executable name, and the error code.
Begin MFS->SFS and SIM cleanup
4/13/2018 5:32:38 PM
Run SMASimUtility.exe
4/13/2018 5:32:38 PM
End MFS->SFS and SIM cleanup
Abaqus/Analysis exited with errors
Dear Ali Shirmo
We know that running Abaqus with an UMAT under Windows is tricky. The problems are mostly due to the used compiler and/ or the compiler flags, e.g. one has to tell the compiler that this UMAT is written in FORTAN77. One of our younger research assistant managed managed this task with the help of https://www.researchgate.net/file.PostFileLoader.html?id=57443ce296b7e46eb64deba2&assetKey=AS%3A365233358032897%401464089826204 (LINKING ABAQUS ® 6.13/6.12 WITH INTEL ® FORTRAN COMPILER AND
MICROSOFT ® VISUAL STUDIO by Vasios Nikolaos, 2014)
Best regards
Wolfgang Fellin
Dear Prof Fellin
Thank you for your guidance.
You recommend to use Linux to linking abaqus with Fortran?
What is you opinion about writing umat in Free form (FORTRAN 90/95)?
Dear Ali,
our newer UMAT for Barodesy (also available here) is written in Fortran 90 free form code and it works fine. In this case you have to tell the compiler that this is freeform code. You can do it by a local abaqus_v6.env file in you calculation folder.
If you got the right compiler settings for your system i think it makes no difference to use Linux or Windows to link Fortran and Abaqus but in my case the calculations with Linux seem to be more stable.
you fixed your problems?
Dear Ali,
your error states an “EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION”. You might solve this running abaqus as an admin instead of a normal user with limited read&write rights.
I tried to use the umat-hyposand-UIBK on your web, but i don know how initialize state variables by Umat like void ratio and others, in additional to, is it necessary to use Umat file linking matlab
Dear Abd Elfattah!
Additional state variables – like the void ratio – are set in sdvini.f
I do not understand the issue about “linking matlab”, however, you do not need any resouerces from or connection to Matlab.
Best regards
Wolfgang Fellin
Dear all
Anyone tried using both HP umats, I mean from prof. Masin and prof. Fellin? I have noticed that HP model with intergranular strain concept from prof. Fellin results in much slower computational time than the umat without small strain stiffness or the umat from prof. Masin. I understand the integration schemes for the constitutive relationship are different, I tried all the available options in Innsbruck umat, but non of them was as effective as RKF explicit scheme in prof. Masin’s umat. Is that also a problem in anyone else case? Or is it me doing something wrong?
Thank you in advance for your help and suggestion.
Dear Professor
Thank you for providing the UMAT. I tried running the .inp file with the UMAT for the triaxial test. However when I open the file in .cae and then try to run it after changing the umat to .for extension, it gives an error:
*Analysis is being terminated from a user subroutine
Abaqus/Standard Analysis exited with an error – Please see the message file for possible error messages if the file exists.*
The message file doesn’t give much information.
Also I got the following warnings:
Output request rf3 is not valid since it requests output at a dof that is not active
Output request rm1 is not valid since it requests output at a dof that is not active
Output request rm2 is not valid since it requests output at a dof that is not active
Output request rm3 is not valid since it requests output at a dof that is not active
Output request u3 is not valid since it requests output at a dof that is not active
Output request ur1 is not valid since it requests output at a dof that is not active
Output request ur2 is not valid since it requests output at a dof that is not active
Output request ur3 is not valid since it requests output at a dof that is not active
These warnings appear to me as a modelling issue but then I’m confused because it was possible for me to run the analysis initially. Thank you.
Are these UMATs applicable for all kinds of problems: Plane strain/axisymmetric/3D?
Dear Jasmine Lokesh!
Hypoplasticity is a 3D model, and the UMAT is made for 3D computations (using 3D elements). Plain strain and axisymmetric situations are boundary conditions which are handled by Abaqus.
Wolfgang Fellin
Dear Jasmine Lokesh!
If the UMAT terminates the computations it writes informations on the reason in the data file (job-name.dat).
The warnings seem to be Abaus related and not due to the UMAT.
Wolfgang Fellin
Thank you Professor for the reply. I will try to look into it.
I have the same question *Analysis is being terminated from a user subroutine , can you tell me how to solve this problem? thank you!
There should be some more informations on the reason in the data file (job-name.dat)
problem solved ,the reason maybe sdvini.for doesn‘t work so statev1-7 are not initalised
I also encountered the same problem. How did you solve it,please.
It seems Abaqus requires the subroutine file to be named with a .f or .for extension, and it seems that telling the compiler to use freeform fortran is done through the argument ‘/free’ in Windows ‘-free’ in Linux. I managed this by modifying the win86_64.env file adding the string ‘/free’ to the list named compile_fortran, and saving the f90 umat as .for