Various extensions of the original concept of intergranular strain (IS) according to Niemunis and Herle (1997), to account for small strain effects in constitutive models, have developed in recent years.
This page (which is currently under construction) is intended to provide an overview of existing intergranular strain extensions combined with corresponding implementations.
Tag Archive for: triax
Cyclic tests with Triax element test driver

Views 4,081
Dear all, I am attempting to utilize the triax driver for simulating cyclic triaxial tests. However, I have been unable to locate the command for conducting cyclic tests within the […]
A High-Cycle Accumulation Model for Sand (Niemunis et al., 2005)

Views 1,287
A high-cycle explicit model for the accumulation of strain in sand due to small cyclic loading. The dependence of the accumulation rate on stress, void ratio, cyclic history and the type of loading is considered. In particular, the ovality and the polarization of the strain path during a cycle are taken into account.
ALERT doctoral school on constitutive modelling – hands on session triax input files

Views 4,644
ALERT doctoral school on constitutive modelling is happening right now. The school lecture notes are available at the website of ALERT geomaterials ( Below you find triax input files for […]
Compile triax calibration software under windows

Views 4,593
1. Download install exe (32 or 64 bit) from 2. Choose a mirror site / click Next and select all packages you need for compiling: Type: “gcc” into search […]
A PhD-level course on hypoplastic constitutive modelling intended for both academia and practitioners.
Barodesy (Kolymbas, Medicus, Schneider-Muntau, Fellin)

Views 2,855
Barodesy is a constitutive model for granular media and does not use standard notations of elasto-plasticity, e.g. yield function, flow rule or plastic potential.
SANISAND (Dafalias and Manzari, 2004)

Views 15,448
SANISAND is an advanced elasto-plastic model based on a concept of rotational hardening incorporating the effects of fabric-dilatancy.
Sand Hypoplasticity (von Wolffersdorff, 1996)

Views 10,039
Sand hypoplastic model is an advanced incrementally non-linear constitutive model for sand, an outcome of an extensive research at Karlsruhe University in 1990's.
Clay Hypoplasticity (Mašín, 2014)

Views 16,519
Clay hypoplasticity is an advanced incrementally non-linear constitutive model based on critical state soil mechanics developed specifically for simulation of fine-grained materials.
Presentations on hypoplasticity applications, D. Mašín, NGI 2017

Views 5,547
Based on some requests, I share here two presentations on hypoplasticity applications. One is related to simulation of various boundary value problems, the other focuses on simulation of cyclic and […]
Triax element test driver

Views 702
A new element test driver named “Triax” has been included into the list of calibration software available at including source code and pre-compiled Windows and Linux executables. I have been using […]
Download Package of Triax Element Test Driver

Views 1,782
Download package of Triax element test sofware by D. Mašín and co-workers.
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