
Clay Hypoplasticity (Mašín, 2014)


Clay hypoplasticity is an advanced incrementally non-linear constitutive model proposed by Mašín (2014) based on critical state soil mechanics developed specifically for simulation of fine-grained materials. Its response has been validated using a number single and finite element simulations of various geotechnical problems, both onshore and offshore. When combined with so-called intergranular strain concept (Niemunis and Herle, 1997), it is capable of predicting small strain stiffness degradation and cyclic loading effects.


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  1. Shen Wang
    Shen Wang 4 years ago

    Hello Prof. Masin,

    Is it possible to implement hypoplasticity into ABAQUS by vumat? If so, is there any VUMAT of ABAQUS availble?

  2. Naif Alsanabani
    Naif Alsanabani 3 years ago

    Dear Prof. David Masin
    Could you provide me Hypoplastic UMAT file used in Abaqus, please?
    Naif Mohammed

    • David Mašín Author
      David Mašín 3 years ago

      Hi, it is there inside the downloaded folder. Named umat_hcea.for. Rename the name of the subroutine inside to umat. Regards David

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