Number of interesting news at SoilModels from past week:
- New Barodesy constitutive model, umat with source code and Plaxis DLL. Thanks to the researchers from the University of Innsbruck (Barbara Schneider-Muntau, Gertraud Medicus, Dimitrios Kolymbas and Wolfgang Fellin).
- New version (2017) of Incremental Driver. Thanks to Andrzej Niemunis for developing the code, and to Krzysztof Sternik for recent testing.
- In addition, we keep filling-in SoilModels software database. Past week, Tochnog Driver, Plaxis SoilTest and SoilVision SVSOLID GT were added.
- In addition to new SoilModels database items, there were several tweaks in SoilModels user’s interface. In particular, we now register number of post views, so each contributor will see interest of readers. It is now also possible to order Forum posts based on number of views, which could be useful to occational visitors to easily identify the most interesting posts.
- Post views are also registered for database items (software, constitutive models). Based on the view count, these items are sorted (of course, we algorithmically controll that view counts are not increased artificially by users actions): SoilModels remains independent platform, without prioritising any commercial code with respect to the other, the codes and models will be simply prioritised based on readers interest. For example, when it comes to software database, you will see that Abaqus is now wining, just above not-yet-launched ExCalibre.
- By the way, we work hard to work-out the last remaining issues in ExCalibre automatic calibration software. It works pretty well and you may look forward to it! We already released input excel templates, which you can start preparing: