Hi everyone I am writing a code for a model in the UDSM format for Plaxis. I already have the “*.dll” files, but when I run the soil test I can not see any path. I would like to know if there is some tool that could help me see step by step the process performed by the model to find any error.
Tags: "Constitutive Model" plaxis
Hi Miguel,
What you can is to print out variable values manually using Fortran command write, such as
write(1,*) ‘Error in integration, noel ‘,noel
which should store the results in a file fort.1, where you can track what happened.
This is quite a primitive approach, however, so maybe others know about some more advanced method?
Regards David
hi dear David Masin
is there any manual to write UMAT in plaxis for a simple model like cam clay?