[Official Distributor Text]
PLAXIS 2D and 3D are powerful and user friendly finite element package intended for two-dimensional and three-dimensional analyses of deformation and stability in geotechnical engineering and rock mechanics. PLAXIS is used worldwide by top engineering companies and institutions in the civil and geotechnical engineering industry. Applications range from excavations, embankment and foundations to tunnelling, mining and reservoir geomechanics.
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Available Constitutive Models
Clay Hypoplasticity (Mašín, 2014)

Views 16,519
Clay hypoplasticity is an advanced incrementally non-linear constitutive model based on critical state soil mechanics developed specifically for simulation of fine-grained materials.
SANISAND (Dafalias and Manzari, 2004)

Views 15,449
SANISAND is an advanced elasto-plastic model based on a concept of rotational hardening incorporating the effects of fabric-dilatancy.
Sand Hypoplasticity (von Wolffersdorff, 1996)

Views 10,039
Sand hypoplastic model is an advanced incrementally non-linear constitutive model for sand, an outcome of an extensive research at Karlsruhe University in 1990's.
The PM4Sand and PM4Silt models are stress-ratio controlled, critical state compatible, bounding surface plasticity models developed for geotechnical earthquake engineering applications.
Barodesy (Kolymbas, Medicus, Schneider-Muntau, Fellin)

Views 2,855
Barodesy is a constitutive model for granular media and does not use standard notations of elasto-plasticity, e.g. yield function, flow rule or plastic potential.
Multilaminate constitutive models are based on the concept that the material behaviour can be formulated on a number of so-called integration planes with varying orientation. In addition to other features, the model predicts anisotropic soil stiffness at small strains.
[Other constitutive models, not present in SoilModels database]
Soft Soil creep, Soft soil, Sekiguchi-Ohta, Viscid & Inviscid, NGI-ADP model, Mohr-Coulomb, Modified Cam Clay, Jointed Rock, HS Small strain stiffness
Related Downloads
Clay and Sand hypoplasticity UMAT and Plaxis implementations, including UMAT-Plaxis interface

Views 17,418
Download package of Clay and Sand hypoplasticity UMAT and Plaxis implementations, including pre-compiled UMAT-Plaxis interface.
SANISAND Abaqus UMAT and Plaxis implementations

Views 7,270
UMAT and Plaxis implementations of SANISAND constitutive model by Dafalias and Manzari (2004).
PM4Sand for Plaxis Download

Views 1,945
Download link to Plaxis PM4Sand dll
Download package of barodesy – ABAQUS umat (source code) and Plaxis dll

Views 1,863
Download package of barodesy model. Contains ABAQUS umat (source code), Plaxis UDSM (dll files only, not source code), package documentation, related journal publications, Abaqus and Plaxis examples.
Download Package of Multilaminate Model for Plaxis

Views 1,191
Package contains Plaxis UDSM (dll files only), package documentation in pdf and related journal publication and PhD thesis pdf files. Authors are
researchers from the Graz University of Technology.
Simulation code related to paper "Kadlíček, T. and Mašín, D. (2020). The strength reduction method in clay hypoplasticity. Computers and Geotechnics (in print)".
Related SoilModels Forum Posts
A PhD-level course on hypoplastic constitutive modelling intended for both academia and practitioners.
Interface to study soil-structure interaction in Plaxis 3D (Clay Hypoplasticity)

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Hello, I am trying to simulate the behavior of helical anchors (also called screw anchors) using PLAXIS 3D and a clay hypoplasticity constitutive model. The helical anchor shaft is simulated […]
Error: permission to access files denied (Hypoplasticity in PLAXIS)

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Hello, I am trying to implement the dll for hypoplasticity in Plaxis 3D. It runs through both the Initial Phase and a Nil Step. However, when it calculates about 20 […]
Soft soil and soft soil creep model both include time while performing the analysis. What is the difference between both of them. Tags: Constitutive relations plaxis
Presentations on hypoplasticity applications, D. Mašín, NGI 2017

Views 5,547
Based on some requests, I share here two presentations on hypoplasticity applications. One is related to simulation of various boundary value problems, the other focuses on simulation of cyclic and […]
Tags: dynamics liquefaction plaxis pm4sand soiltest
testing an User Defined Soil Model in plaxis

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Hi everyone I am writing a code for a model in the UDSM format for Plaxis. I already have the “*.dll” files, but when I run the soil test I […]
Abaqus vs Plaxis – Local Convergence Tolerances

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Hi, I have a question regarding local, material-level convergence tolerances in FE software, particularly Abaqus and Plaxis. I have experience using Abaqus but not much familiar with Plaxis. As shown […]
Tags: cyclic mobility earthquake engineering liquefaction plaxis pm4silt soiltest
Automatic calibration software ExCalibre has been launched

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On behalf of the team of developers I am happy to announce that, after more than four years of development and testing, ExCalibre has just been launched. ExCalibre is a […]
Connecting remote sensors to the Plaxis FEM 3D using python

Views 4,582
Dear I want to connect remote sensors to my engineering software Plaxis FEM 3D. Some days ago I was able to connect the python to the Plaxis FEM 3D, but […]

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I have the license, but can’t login as it is a server license. In order to access this model, i need the .dll file. Can anyone help me with this. […]
Modelling Rate-dependent behaviour of clay [Urgent]

Views 4,183
Using PLAXIS, how to model rate dependent behavior of clay. This is to show the viscous behavior of the soil. Thank you in advance Tags: plaxis Rate-dependent

Views 3,978
Hi there, I’ve used successfully used SANISAND .dll with Plaxis 2016, but after switching to 2017 and now 2018 the .dll seems not to work (the parameter fields appear without […]
Hardening Soil or Hardening Soil-Small umat in Abaqus

Views 2,932
Dear all, does anyone have the umat code for Hardening Soil or Hardening Soil-Small in Abaqus? For my current work I need a umat for Hardening Soil or Hardening Soil-Small […]
Simulating Oedometer test in PLAXIS

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How do I perform oedometer test simulation in PLAXIS Tags: oedometer plaxis
Multilaminate model (Schädlich, Schweiger and coworkers) is now available for download as Plaxis UsrMod. Thanks to Helmut Schweiger and coworkers from Graz University of Technology, Institute of Soil Mechanics, Foundation Engineering and Computational […]
Hi. I have a problem in modeling pavement with geogrid by Plaxis. can you help me in this case? Thank you.
Does Plaxis 2D or 3D has Cam -Clay or Modified Cam-Clay model? in which versions? in the older versions, can Soft Soil Model or Soft Soil Creep model be used as the same as Cam-Clay model? Thank you!
PLAXIS has the Modified Cam-Clay model available for a long time, it was already available since PLAXIS 2D Version 8 (2004).
Using a recent version, you can use the Modified Cam-Clay.
See here for all available models:
The Soft Soil model can be used as well, as it overcomes some of the drawbacks of the Modified Cam-Clay, as demonstrated in this Ph.D. thesis, chapter 4:
What was called the PLAXIS CAP model, is what is now called the Soft Soil model.
Kind regards,
Micha van der Sloot
PLAXIS | Bentley Systems
Hi. Can someone provide Barcelona basic model (Alonso) for PLAXIS? Thank you very much.
Can you request that model here?
Please also state which version of PLAXIS you are using so we can see if the dll is available for that version.
Note that the Barcelona Basic model is still available as acedemic/experimental, as indicated here:—barcelona-basic-model
(updates will also be added to that page).
Kind regards,
PLAXIS | Bentley Systems
Glad to hear from you!
My version of PLAXIS is “PLAXIS 3D CE V20 Update 3 –”.—barcelona-basic-model
In the above website, I noticed some information:
1. The BBM only provides PLAXIS 2D version;
2. There is such a description on the website: the current implementation of the Barcelona Basic Model as a Plaxis user-defined soil model does not work correctly for Plaxis calculations that include “Fully Coupled Flow-Deformation analysis”(I just need this computing function);
3. There seems to be no download link for BBM.
Now I have tried to request the model suitable for my version from the website(, but can the model be correctly used for “Fully Coupled Flow-Deformation analysis” now?
Looking forward to receiving your reply!
Kind regards,